Anatomy of the Skin and Skin Flaps


Anatomy of the Skin and Skin Flaps

The Skin

( Fig. 1.1 )

The skin is composed of epithelial layers (epidermis) and the dermis. Below the skin are the subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and muscle ( Fig. 1.1 ).

a, b a Structure of the skin: 1. Subpapillary vascular plexus 2. Dermal vascular plexus 3. Subdermal vascular plexus 4. Segmental vascular plexus. b Composition of free skin grafts.

Types of Skin Flaps

Random Pattern Flaps

( Fig. 1.2 )

Random pattern flaps derive their blood supply from the dermal and subdermal plexus ( Fig. 1.2 ). The ratio of flap length to flap width in the face is approximately 2:1.

Random pattern skin flap for facial use has an approximately 2:1 ratio of length to width. A special type is the subcutaneous pedicle flap (Barron et al. 1965; Lejour 1972; see Figs. 5.44 and 5.45 ).

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Jun 15, 2020 | Posted by in Reconstructive surgery | Comments Off on Anatomy of the Skin and Skin Flaps

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