13 Chronic transplant dysfunction
The success of organ transplantation is marred by the fact that some initially successful transplants have suboptimal function or deteriorate over time. Despite advances in the control of acute rejection, the problem of chronic transplant dysfunction (CTD) remains significant.
The corresponding chapter in the previous edition of this book provided an excellent overview of CTD.1 Although a brief description of organ-specific CTD is provided, this chapter will primarily adopt renal transplantation as the paradigm for study of CTD. It will explore developments in our understanding of the condition, and expand upon immunological factors that influence this pathological entity. The adoption of protocol biopsies in some centres across the world has allowed the investigation of early changes in renal histology that lead to CTD, and so this concept will be discussed.
Organ-specific findings
Diagnostic criteria for CAV were presented in the consensus document of 1993 from the fourth Alexis Carrel Conference.2
The document proposed the following guidelines:
Chronic liver rejection is again one of the most common causes of late graft loss, but it occurs far less frequently than in other solid-organ transplants. The overall incidence of chronic transplant dysfunction is between 5% and 20% of all liver transplants.3
The liver is immunologically privileged, with all forms of rejection being less common. Specifically, CTD is becoming less common,4 with graft loss more likely from recurrent disease, late acute rejection or non-compliance with immunosuppression, but it is still a major indication for re-transplantation.5,6
Histological diagnosis is also essential, with liver cell dropout, vanishing bile duct syndrome and obliterative vasculopathy being the cardinal features.7 ‘Vanishing bile duct syndrome’ when diagnosed on biopsy is a good indicator for severe chronic allograft damage. It is a uniform loss of small bile ducts (<75 μm) throughout the liver8 without replacement by fibrosis. Ductule proliferation does not occur as in other cholestatic conditions, such as primary biliary cirrhosis. When seen in biopsy specimens, large and medium-sized arteries have a foam cell and macrophage-laden intima as is found in other allografted organs.
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is the clinical manifestation of CTD in the lung, and the typical histopathological features are referred to as obliterative bronchiolitis. BOS accounts for over one-third of late graft losses and the prevalence of BOS in patients greater than 3 months post-transplantation may be as high as 68%.9 The mortality rate is 50% once the diagnosis of BOS has been made, with few patients coming for re-transplantation. In common with the disease process in other organs, BOS is progressive and has no effective treatment at present. Clinically it presents with slowly progressing dyspnoea on exertion. Worsening airflow obstruction follows as a consequence of deteriorating graft function. Physiologically there is a mixed picture of airflow obstruction and restrictive pulmonary disease.10
Histologically there is inflammation and fibrosis of the cartilaginous airways and particularly within the smaller airways. Bronchioles usually demonstrate areas of inflammation and fibrosis in the lamina propria and luminal surfaces whilst the larger bronchi show peribronchial fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Airway narrowing follows, accounting for the decline in spirometry readings.11 Surrounding alveoli and interstitium are often, but not always, normal. As a pathological entity it is no different from obliterative bronchiolitis caused by non-transplant-related aetiological factors, such as toxic fume inhalation, drug side-effects and connective tissue disorders.
In 1990 an ad hoc committee under the auspices of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation proposed a working formulation for the standardisation of nomenclature and for clinical staging of chronic dysfunction in lung allografts.12
The formulation described the following staging system:
CTD accounts for over half of all pancreas graft losses 5 years post-transplantation.13 Deterioration in graft function is not easy to detect and is usually manifested by hyperglycaemic episodes with a low C-peptide level following a glucose challenge.14 There are no serial markers of graft deterioration in pancreas transplantation and, in the absence of concurrent acute rejection, serum amylase is often normal.
Renal transplantation: the paradigm for chronic allograft injury
Protocol biopsies
Protocol biopsies and subclinical rejection
Protocol biopsies allow the early detection of rejection, at a time before this is manifested clinically, known as subclinical rejection (SCR). SCR is defined as histological evidence of acute rejection in patients with stable renal function (less than 25% change in serum creatinine), or borderline changes, a term that is used when no intimal arteritis is present, but there are foci of tubulitis that do not meet criteria for rejection diagnosis, also in patients with stable renal function. Thus, SCR may be important as a precursor to clinically relevant rejection episodes, allowing early intervention. Moreover, persistent, unrecognised inflammatory injury, secondary to a low-grade rejection process, may result in long-term graft fibrosis and chronic dysfunction without overt clinical rejection, and this could be identified on protocol biopsies.15
In order to justify a protocol biopsy with its attendant risks, a clear link must be defined between SCR and subsequent development of chronic graft dysfunction. In one study, SCR diagnosed in early biopsies (1–3 months) was treated with corticosteroids, and this was associated with both a reduction in late acute rejection and also in chronic damage compared with controls.16 This has been supported in other studies, suggesting that the use of protocol biopsies for the early detection and treatment of subclinical rejection may be a major factor in preserving long-term graft function.17,18
Protocol biopsies and chronic allograft changes
In addition, protocol biopsies may allow early detection of specific chronic allograft changes, such as tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis (TA/IF). Such chronic changes are a frequent finding in protocol biopsies, and are seen to progress rapidly over the first year and more slowly thereafter.19,20 Helantera et al. undertook a study to determine the optimal timing of protocol biopsies and used the chronic allograft damage index (CADI), defined at the Banff 1997 meeting to define chronic injury.21 Follow-up was for 18 months, and this demonstrated that CADI at 6 and 12 months was associated with long-term graft survival, but not that at 3 months.22 If the diagnosis of early changes of fibrosis and atrophy are detected on protocol biopsy, the real challenge is to identify effective therapeutic strategies leading to improved outcome. The diagnosis alone is unlikely to have a positive impact on the patient.
Protocol biopsies and non-immunological contributors to chronic graft dysfunction
Non-immunological factors also play a significant role in the subsequent development of chronic allograft dysfunction and these, having been identified early in protocol biopsies, may be amenable to specific treatment. One of the most common factors is calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) toxicity, which can be reversed by modifying immunosuppressive therapy. A small study showed that the histological change characteristic of CNI toxicity (hyaline arteriolar sclerosis), when seen in early protocol biopsies (<1 year), was an independent risk factor for subsequent development of chronic allograft nephropathy.23 This supports earlier work by Nankivell et al., who undertook a longitudinal study of biopsies from 120 kidney pancreas patients, and described an increasing presence of arteriolar hyalinosis over time.19 Such changes have been detected in up to 42% of protocol biopsies,24 identifying a potentially important contributor to chronic transplant dysfunction, which is amenable to therapeutic intervention.
Protocol biopsies may also be a useful tool to detect renal diseases such as BK nephropathy. Activation of BK virus is increasingly common in renal transplant recipients and can lead to a rapid decline in transplant function. Effective and early treatment of BK nephritis by reducing immunosuppressive therapy significantly improves outcome.25
Another potential benefit of protocol biopsies is their implementation in clinical trials designed to prevent CTD. Any such clinical trials are challenging to establish, requiring large numbers of patients to be followed up over a long period. The findings that early diagnosis of TA/IF in early protocol biopsies is an independent predictor of long-term survival, and that such changes are superior to other predictors of outcome, such as acute rejection or serum creatinine, make their use for clinical trials attractive.26,27
Risks of protocol biopsies
When making a decision about the routine implementation of protocol biopsies after renal transplantation, the risks of the procedure must be taken into account. These have been addressed by Schwarz et al., in a published experience of 1171 protocol biopsies. The complications were gross haematuria (3.1%), perirenal haematoma (3.3%), vasovagal reaction (0.3%) and A-V fistula with spontaneous resolution (9%). There was no associated mortality, and all complications were apparent within the 4-hour post-biopsy surveillance period.28
Protocol biopsies: should they be adopted more widely?
Good evidence supporting the general implementation of protocol biopsies is lacking as large, prospective trials have not been performed. In those studies that have been published, there are many variables, making comparison between studies difficult: the timing of biopsies, immunosuppressive regimens, as well as different histological parameters used to define SCR. In addition, the impact of treatment based on the findings from protocol biopsies can only be fully determined in the long term, and the question as to whether treatment should be instigated on the basis of a single biopsy or sequential biopsies remains unclear.29 Consistent, effective therapeutic strategies for CTD are not available, and this limits the clinical purpose of protocol biopsies in this setting.
An alternative to the histological analysis of protocol biopsies is to adopt molecular technology to seek other strategies for early identification of allografts at risk of rejection.30 For example, high-density array analysis of protocol biopsies demonstrated upregulation of genes associated with inflammation and matrix remodelling, which correlated with histological evidence of TA/IF.31 Previous studies implicated growth factors such as transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), as an important molecule in the development of fibrosis in allografts. Additional non-invasive methods under development seek to examine gene and protein expression profiles in peripheral blood and urine.
The natural history of chronic transplant dysfunction
The chronic changes observed following renal transplantation occur as histological sequelae of a series of pathological insults to the kidney from the time of organ retrieval, which leads to incremental and cumulative damage to nephrons, and ultimate loss of graft function.32 Factors affecting long-term graft survival can be defined by era: peritransplant factors include donor factors, such as age, donor serum creatinine and comorbid conditions such as hypertension; brainstem death with the accompanying catecholamine storm; preservation and implantation injury, e.g. ischaemic damage and reperfusion injury, perhaps leading to delayed graft function. Factors affecting early transplant function include acute rejection and early infection. Over time, recipient factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and viral infections, e.g. cytomegalovirus, play a more significant role in mediating renal tubular injury. Calcineurin inhibitor toxicity is becoming increasingly recognised as a significant contributor to late injury, giving rise to the paradox that reduction in acute rejection rates has not led to improvements in long-term graft survival.
A recent longitudinal study of 961 protocol biopsies performed on 120 renal transplant patients over a period of 10 years has provided information about the natural history of the process.19
Two distinct phases of injury were evident:
Chronic allograft nephropathy: an obsolete term
Our increased understanding of the processes which lead ultimately to chronic allograft failure led to a review of the nomenclature at the eighth Banff conference on allograft pathology held in July 2005.33 The proposed changes to the diagnostic categories are shown in Box 13.1.
Box 13.1 Banff 07 diagnostic criteria for renal allograft biopsies
Chronic categories are shown in bold. Reproduced from Solez K, Colvin RB, Racusen LC et al. Banff 07 classification of renal allograft pathology: updates and future directions. Am J Transplant 2008; 8(4):753–60. With permission from Blackwell Publishing.
The term chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) was coined in 1991 as a more generic alternative to the misleading term ‘chronic rejection’, which led to the misconception that all late scarring was due to alloimmune injury.21 However, over the years, the term CAN has become used to describe a specific disease entity rather than a descriptive term for non-specific scarring and has led to an acceptance of the inevitability of the process, rather than seeking specific causes. Thus, chronic changes within the kidney should be defined according to aetiology where possible, such as chronic active T-cell-mediated rejection or chronic antibody-mediated rejection. In addition, evidence for CNI toxicity, with arteriolar hyalinosis, should be sought and defined. Other causes of fibrosis and atrophy include recurrent disease, hypertension resulting in glomerulosclerosis, with duplication of internal elastica and arterial fibrointimal thickening, and chronic polyomavirus. Changes detected in specific chronic disease states are shown in Table 13.1. If there is no known aetiology, the term ‘interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, no specific aetiology’ should be adopted.
Table 13.1 Morphology of specific chronic diseases resulting in TA/IF (non-immune mediated)
Aetiology | Morphology |
Chronic hypertension | Arterial/fibrointimal thickening with reduplication of elastic, usually with small artery and arteriolar changes |
CNI toxicity | Arterial hyalinosisTubular cell injury with vacuolisation |
Chronic obstruction | Marker tubular dilatation Large protein casts with extravasation into interstitium and/or lymphatics |
Bacterial pyelonephritis | Intra- and peritubular neutrophils, lymphoid follicle formation |
Viral infection | Viral inclusions on histology, immunohistochemistry and/or electron microscopy |
Aetiological factors
The definition of two phases of injury resulting in chronic changes of tubular atrophy is in keeping with the model of injury in CTD, described in a recent review,34 in which late allograft failure was described as a composite phenotype reflecting the total burden of stressful injury, mediated by five groups of risk factors:35
Donor age
Donor age has a powerful impact on graft survival. Organs removed from donors at the extremes of age are associated with poorer long-term graft survival compared with young to middle-aged donors.36 This may be related to the reduction in the transplanted nephron mass. Long-standing donor stresses such as hypertension and diabetes also affect long-term outcome.
Other donor risk factors include death from an acute cerebral haemorrhage, female gender (again perhaps due to nephron mass) and Afro-Caribbean ethnic origin.1
Brainstem death
Donation after brainstem death (rather than live donation) is significantly associated with poor long-term graft survival and an increased incidence of delayed graft function and acute rejection.37 Although the condition of brainstem death is well defined legally and neurologically, the systemic sequelae on the potential donor are very poorly understood. The effects of an irreversible and catastrophic injury to the brainstem include labile blood pressure, alterations in thermal regulation, endocrine and biochemical derangements plus pulmonary changes. Surges in catecholamine release are experienced, with resultant physical and structural changes affecting the vital organs. It may also be the trigger for the systemic release of a range of cytokines, causing a greater exposure of antigenic surface molecules, possibly as a result of endothelial cell retraction. Thereby the transplanted organ may prove more immunogenic to the recipient as a result.
Ischaemia–reperfusion injury
Removal of the graft from the donor includes a variable but short period of warm ischaemia, a more prolonged period of cold ischaemia, further warm ischaemia and a subsequent reperfusion stage. All events have been shown to produce organ damage, and the degree of ischaemia correlates with the subsequent development of CTD. There is a considerable body of evidence supporting a strong association between cold ischaemia time and delayed graft function (DGF).38 In turn, DGF is associated with increased rates of acute rejection and is predictive of higher rates of graft loss at 5 years.
Immune injury
Acute rejection episodes
In kidney, heart, lung and liver transplant recipients, acute rejection episodes correlate strongly with the subsequent development of CTD. In one series, recipients of cadaveric renal allografts who had never experienced an acute rejection episode were found to have a 5-year graft survival rate of 92%. In contrast, recipients experiencing one or more acute rejection episodes had an overall graft survival at 5 years of 45%.39
Further studies of both living-donor and cadaveric renal allografts showed that it was not simply the presence or absence of an acute rejection episode that predicted the likelihood of subsequent TA/IF but rather the nature of the rejection episode.40–43 Early acute rejection episodes that are completely reversed do not appear to confer any greater degree of risk for the later development of TA/IF.42
The greatest risk factors for the development of chronic allograft injury following an acute rejection episode are:44
There are several theories to explain the late injury caused by these early immunological events, although there is little scientific evidence to favour one explanation over another. In kidneys, the damage caused by the rejection episode may cause a reduction in the functioning nephron mass, subjecting the remaining nephrons to hyperfiltration, thereby producing fibrotic changes. Alternatively, the rejection episode may persist in a subclinical form, despite apparent treatment, allowing ongoing immunologically mediated cell damage.45
Despite the current lack of evidence for improved long-term graft survival with a reduction in acute rejection episodes, the association between acute and chronic rejection is so strong that, empirically, it seems justified to continue to aim to minimise the number and severity of acute rejection episodes, and evidence is emerging to support this strategy.46

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