Resources for Dermatologic Laser Therapies

The internet is an abundant and easily accessible source of current health-related information for patients and physicians

Physicians can harness the power of the internet to keep up-to-date on developments in their field and review the literature on a regular basis

Physicians can also help direct patients to accurate and reliable information on the internet which is geared towards the general public

Proper guidance of patients and their families can help make the internet a valuable tool for education


The Internet has revolutionized the way in which both lay-people and health care professionals seek out and research information regarding health care topics and specific disease conditions.1 A recent report states that approximately 80% of adult Internet users have conducted searches online for health or medical information.2 With increasing accessibility to the internet and rising familiarity with search engines, this percentage continues to grow. Aside from accessibility and convenience, the Internet is superior to most paper-based medical resources due to the ease of updating information to reflect the most timely and current data.

The wealth of knowledge that can be obtained from the Internet however, has its drawbacks. Unfortunately, there is no control over what information can be accessed and anyone, from a physician to common layperson, can contribute information regardless of accuracy. This can lead to misinformation that ultimately results in mistakes and malpractice.3 In order to prevent this from occurring, websites should be critically analyzed to determine their validity, reliability, and credibility. This holds true for anyone using such information from a website, but especially for physicians. It is imperative for physicians to provide their patients with a means of evaluating different websites and using only the most reliable and precise sources to prevent medical misunderstandings. In doing so, patients will get a sense of empowerment over their condition, knowing that only the most relevant information is being provided to them. Therefore, physicians should improve their patients’ knowledge by supplying them with a list of highly reputable websites; an action commonly desired by patients according to recent studies.4,5 The guidelines for evaluating websites that provide information on cutaneous laser therapies are reviewed here.

Internet Website Quality Evaluation

In evaluating the quality of a website, there are several indicators which can be used to measure the usefulness of the information presented. These include, but are not limited to: easy identification of the background and significance of the authors, the recent nature of information and its stability, the time since the last update of information, the completeness of the information and its ability to match the searcher’s needs, the domain of the website, comparability with other resources, and the ease of use.6,7 Table 1 highlights the important details which should be considered in each of these categories (Table 1).

Table 1
Consideration in the evaluation of laser related websites

Easy identification of the background and authority of the authors

• Check the authors’ credentials

• Author’s level of education

• Experience author has in the subject matter

• Previous list of publications

Current information/update

• When was the information published and/or uploaded onto the Internet

• When was the information last updated

Stability of the information

• Will the information remain on the site

Information contained matches the searcher’s needs

• Focus on what you are looking for: laser therapy information, statistics, latest treatments, risks and benefits involved, procedural techniques, complications arising during laser procedures, costs involved

Domain of the website

• Check the URL to see if it is someone’s personal page. If so, be sure to investigate the author thoroughly

• Is the website educational (.edu), nonprofit organizations (.org), commercial, or government (.gov, .mil, .us)

Comparability with other resources

• Look for a site with related links, explore other sites and publications by the author

• Check to see that the links to the other sources are on the same topic, well organized, and use the above criterion to evaluate them

Ease of use

• Easy navigation of site

• Check to see if the information is targeted toward the physician or the patient

• Check if the speed and connection of your Internet is compatible with that of patients visiting this website

Websites for Physicians

Professional society websites offer valuable and reliable information for physicians in addition to links to other highly regarded sites

Access to abstracts of peer-reviewed articles in medicine is readily available, providing a convenient way to keep abreast of the current literature

It is the physician’s responsibility to his patients to be critical of any and all information that is retrieved from the internet. Consequently, suitable sites pertaining to laser therapies include those of well-known societies that deal specifically with these procedures. Such groups include the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), Skin Care Physicians (from the AAD), the American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons (ASDS), and the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS).

The Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings and Derm Net websites are also available options for information on laser interventions. Additionally, journal abstracts provided by PubMed, eMedicine, and the Cochrane Library are excellent sources of up-to-date information. The web addresses for these sites and others are provided in Table 2

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Apr 27, 2016 | Posted by in Dermatology | Comments Off on Resources for Dermatologic Laser Therapies

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