Red plaque with silvery scale in childhood psoriasis vulgaris.
Thick silvery scale and red plaques, some nonscaly in child with psoriasis vulgaris.
Diffuse thick scale throughout child’s scalp.
Scaly papules behind ear in child with psoriasis vulgaris.
Scaly plaque on anal crease in childhood psoriasis.
Pinking of anal crease in child with psoriasis.
Scaly plaque of foreskin in infant with psoriasis.
Dozens of red papules in child with guttate psoriasis.
Linear scaly papules in child with isomorphic phenomenon 3 days after cat scratch at skin site.
Nail pitting in child with psoriasis.
Erythroderma, pinpoint pustules and desquamation in pustular psoriasis.
Diffuse redness and swelling of DIP joints and nail destruction in childhood psoriatic arthritis.

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