Physiologic Lipids for Barrier Repair in Dermatology

Chapter 10 Physiologic Lipids for Barrier Repair in Dermatology


The skin barrier is assaulted frequently in daily life by hot water, detergents, solvents, mechanical trauma, and occupation-related chemicals. If these insults are frequently repeatedly and/or insufficiently repaired, they threaten the organism with desiccation due to accelerated transepidermal water loss (TEWL). To avoid this outcome, the underlying epidermis mounts a coordinated metabolic response, ranging from increased lipid synthesis to accelerated lipid secretion, aimed at rapidly restoring normal function. This response is elicited by any type of barrier insult (e.g. organic solvents, detergents, tape stripping) that depletes the SC of its complement of lipids. Although the total time required for barrier recovery varies according to age, there is an initial, rapid recovery phase that leads to 50–60% recovery in young humans in about 12 hours, with full recovery requiring about 3 days (Fig. 10.2). But in aged humans (> 75 years), complete recovery from comparable insults is prolonged to about 1 week. Restoration of barrier function is accompanied by reaccumulation of lipids, visible with either oil red O staining or Nile red fluorescence, and by the reappearance of membrane structures within the SC interstices, as early as 2 hours after acute disruption. Because artificial restoration of the barrier with vapor-impermeable membranes inhibits barrier recovery, as well as all of the metabolic processes linked to it, the entire metabolic response represents a response that is aimed specifically at restoring normal permeability barrier homeostasis.


The formation of epidermal LB requires a coordinated synthesis of the major lipid components of LB, i.e. cholesterol, glucosylceramides, and phospholipids. Although the epidermis is a very active site of lipid synthesis even under basal conditions, permeability barrier disruption stimulates a further, marked increase in the synthesis of Chol, FFA, and Cer, which provides the pool of lipids that is required for the formation of new LB. However, synthesis of these lipids is not only regulated by barrier requirements, it is also required for normal function. Using specific inhibitors of key lipid synthetic enzymes, we demonstrated an individual requirement for Chol, FFA, Cer, and glucosylceramide synthesis for barrier formation. In fact, blockade of these enzymes always produces a similar result: decreased LB, as well as a paucity of extracellular lamellar membranes. Thus, each of the three key lipids is required individually for permeability barrier function.

Mar 12, 2016 | Posted by in General Surgery | Comments Off on Physiologic Lipids for Barrier Repair in Dermatology

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