CHAPTER 8 Periacetabular Osteotomy
Following the definition, PAO includes the spherical or rotational procedures described by Eppright, Wagner, and Nynomiya1–4; the polygonal Bernese operation described by Ganz5; and the modifications to these procedures described by others.6,7
The Bernese osteotomy5 involves a series of straight cuts to separate the acetabulum from the pelvis. It is the acetabular procedure preferred by many centers for several reasons:
The acetabulum is formed by the confluence of the ischium, ilium, and pubis, which are usually fused by 15 to 16 years of age. It is orientated approximately 45 degrees caudad and 15 degrees anteriorly. Its hemispherical shape covers 170 degrees of the femoral head. The articular surface is horseshoe-shaped and completely lined with hyaline cartilage, except at the acetabular notch. The acetabular labrum is a fibrocartilaginous structure that runs circumferentially around the periphery of the acetabulum. It increases the depth of the bony acetabulum and contributes to the great stability of the hip joint by helping to create a negative intra-articular pressure in the joint.8,9 The labrum is attached to the acetabular articular cartilage via a thin transition zone of calcified cartilage layer on the articular side. The nonarticular side of the labrum is directly attached to bone. Only the peripheral one third or less of the labrum has a rich blood supply. The sources of this blood supply are branches from the obturator, superior gluteal, and inferior gluteal arteries.9 Pain fibers have been identified within the labrum and are most concentrated anteriorly and anterosuperiorly.10
The joint capsule attaches to the margins of the acetabular lip and to the transverse ligament and extends like a sleeve to the base of the femoral neck. Three major ligaments reinforce it. The iliofemoral ligament of Bigelow lies anteriorly and has an inverted-Y shape. It tightens with hip extension. The pubofemoral ligament covers the inferior and medial aspect of the hip joint capsule. It tightens with hip extension and abduction. The ischiofemoral ligament lies posteriorly, and its fibers spiral upward to blend with the zone orbicularis, a band that courses circumferentially around the femoral neck. It also tightens with extension, which explains why some degree of hip flexion increases capsular laxity.11 The hip joint is least stable in the flexed position, when the capsular ligaments are slack. Normal hip range of motion includes abduction and are slack adduction (50/0/30 degrees), internal and external rotation (40/0/60 degrees), and flexion and extension (15/0/120 degrees).
Biomechanical principles for development of osteoarthritis of the hip generally are based on the calculations of force transmission: cartilage degeneration is thought to be initiated by concentric or eccentric overload.12,13 The mechanical cause of osteoarthritis is secondary to several conditions. In developmental dysplasia of the hip, a maloriented articular surface with deficient anterior or global coverage of the femoral head and decreased contact area leads to excessive and eccentric loading of the anterosuperior portion of the hip and subsequently promotes the development of early osteoarthritis in the joint.14–19 Acetabular retroversion can result from posterior wall deficiency, excessive anterior coverage, or both, and is an etiologic factor in osteoarthritis.20–24 Abnormal contact between the proximal femur and the acetabular rim that occurs during terminal motion of the hip leads to lesions of the acetabular labrum and/or the adjacent acetabular cartilage. This phenomenon is more common in young and physically active adults in whom these early chondral and labral lesions continue to progress and result in degenerative disease. It has been reported in a variety of hip conditions more commonly than has been previously noted. These conditions include the dysplasias,25 Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease,26,27 and postpelvic osteotomies.28 The posterior aspect of the acetabulum is subjected to high loads during the activities of daily living.27,29,30 With acetabular retroversion, theoretically greater unit loads are imposed on the available posterior cartilage, and this increased load may be responsible for the development of osteoarthritis of the hip.27 Patients with joint hyperlaxity as in Down syndrome31 and neurogenic hip dysplasia32 have hips with a substantial structural deformity that predisposes the hip to dynamic instability, localized joint overload, impingement, or a combination of these factors, and this results in intra-articular disease and premature secondary osteoarthritis.
Patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip (dysplasia without subluxation) are usually identified because of an incidental finding of dysplasia on a radiograph or because they become symptomatic. Evidence exists that supports the idea that dysplasia will result in degenerative joint disease in adults, particularly in females.33 Increased contact stresses at the joint interface are postulated as being the cause of articular degeneration.34 Dysplasia with hip subluxation usually leads of significant degenerative changes around the third or fourth decade of life.27,35 The prevalence of osteoarthritis by the age 50 years has been reported to be 43%33 to 50%19 among patients who have dysplasia and 53%36 among patients with Perthes disease. Using a technique that respects the blood supply to the acetabular fragment and promotes an adequate reorientation can modify the natural history of the osteoarthritis. The improvement of the insufficient coverage of the femoral head, reduction of mediolateral displacement, and correction of the version of the fragment are the main tasks to abolish deleterious malalignments of the hip.