Oncoplastic Superior-Based Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty and Defect Reconstruction with an Inferior Pedicle

Fig. 23.1
The 37-year-old patient had a triple-negative breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Core needle biopsy was complicated by an abscess formation and required a surgical incision


Fig. 23.2
Following neoadjuvant chemotherapy, a complete clinical and radiological remission was found


Fig. 23.3
(ad) Preoperative view. The incisions used for quadrantectomy are outlined on the skin. Due to the infiltration of the skin prior to chemotherapy, the former tumor bed was completely excised using a wide quadrantectomy (c) and the de-epithelialized inferior pedicle was rotated into the defect (d). (e, f) Following quadrantectomy and axillary lymph node dissection, the inferior pedicle is rotated into the defect in the upper outer breast quadrant

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Apr 2, 2016 | Posted by in General Surgery | Comments Off on Oncoplastic Superior-Based Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty and Defect Reconstruction with an Inferior Pedicle

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