Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma With Fibrin Matrix on Healing of Intrasynovial Flexor Tendons
Sato D, Takahara M, Narita A, et al (Yamagata Univ School of Medicine, Japan; Izumi Orthopedic Hosp, Miyagi, Japan; Yamagata Saisei Hosp, Japan) J Hand Surg 37A:1356-1363, 2012§
J. Chang, MD
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To investigate the effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with fibrin matrix on the healing of intrasynovial flexor tendons in a rabbit model in vivo.
We transected and repaired 156 toe flexors of 73 rabbits using the technique of Tsuge et al and a simple running epitendinous suture. We randomly assigned Repaired tendons to groups that recieved no additional treatment (control) or to which we applied PRP, fibrin (F), or PRP with fibrin matrix (PRP-F) at the repair site. We scored edema and adhesion at 2, 3, and 6 weeks after surgery, and linearly tested repaired tendons for load to failure. We also histologically evaluated tendons at 2 and 3 weeks.

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