Fusarium solani

© Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
Luc Téot, Sylvie Meaume, Sadanori Akita, William J. Ennis and Veronique del Marmol (eds.)Skin Necrosis10.1007/978-3-7091-1241-0_30

30.  Fusarium solani

Raphael Masson 

Infectiologist Wound Healing Unit, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France



Raphael Masson

Fusarium solani is a filamentous ubiquitary yeast belonging to the family of Fusarium which groups several species. It is a pathogen of plants touching immunodepressed patients [1]. The prognosis is severe [2]. Known risk factors are neutropenia and trauma. Entering ways are the skin (cellulitis), nails (onychomycosis), lungs (sinuses, lungs), or eyes (keratitis) [3]. Dissemination is done by blood and induces fever in most of the cases.

A skin necoritc aspect is observed in immunodepressed patients, looking like ecthyma gangrenosum disseminated [4].

Bad prognosis factors are persisting neutropenia and corticosteroid long-term treatments [5, 6].

The check-up should include hemoccults and biopsies of the involved tissues for analysis of cultures and histopathological samples.

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Nov 3, 2016 | Posted by in Dermatology | Comments Off on Fusarium solani

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