29: Release of a Spastic Elbow Flexion Contracture

Procedure 29 Release of a Spastic Elbow Flexion Contracture

imageSee Video 22: Biceps and Brachialis Lengthening


Clinical Examination

image The three major causes of an elbow flexion contracture resulting from spasticity are cerebral palsy, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. There are some differences in the approach to treatment among these three causes.

image Extent of release: The spastic muscles that contribute to an elbow flexion contracture are the biceps brachii, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis. Depending on the degree of contracture and amount of volitional control, they can be either lengthened or divided sequentially. The lacertus fibrosis is always divided, and an anterior capsulectomy of elbow joint or a Z-lengthening of the antecubital skin may be rarely required.

Mar 5, 2016 | Posted by in Hand surgery | Comments Off on 29: Release of a Spastic Elbow Flexion Contracture

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